vineri, 28 ianuarie 2011

That Didn't Last Long

Well that certainly didn't last long, did it? Of course I have a fabulous excuse, what unsuccessful dieter doesn't? I don't even think I made it through a week of dieting and blogging before I quit in March. I'm not even certain that the "diet" even counted as a diet since I hadn't exactly worked out what I was doing before I quit.

I won't bore you with the excuse, although I assure you that it was a doozy, but I do apologize to Renee at Fatfighters. I practically begged her to put me on the FitRoll (see left column) in March, assuring her that I was responsible blogger and that I'd be around forever, and then I just dropped out of site. Of course she's since removed me from the roll and she's completely justified in doing so. I am sorry, Renee. Don't worry, I'm not sucking up just to get back on the blogroll. Maybe once I actually establish a good blog I'll come crawling back, but I won't bother you until then. I am keeping the blogroll up because it's a great community of bloggers.

So since March I've actually gained weight. Yeppers, I'm up to 150 pounds now. Ouch. At 5 feet tall that's more than a little rollie pollie and not the least bit attractive, especially when catching a flash of myself nude in the bathroom mirror. That's a sight to be avoided at all costs in the future! Unfortunately, just not looking at the fat doesn't make it go away.

So let's try this diet thing again, shall we?